By accepting and submitting this form, you authorize CINTEL, NIT. 800.149.483-7, domiciled and located in Bogotá D.C. – Colombia at Carrera 14 No. 99 – 33/55 Office 505., telephone 6404410, and website:, as the data controller, in advance, explicitly, unequivocally, and informed manner, to process (collect, store, use, circulate, transmit, transfer, and share with allies, third parties, and sponsors of the ANDICOM Event and allies, third parties, and sponsors of other CINTEL events, services, and activities), the personal data provided for the following purposes:

a) To fulfill the activities inherent to its corporate purpose, such as contracting, promotion, execution, and commercialization of CINTEL’s goods/products and services.

b) To carry out CINTEL’s activities to comply with the law, its contractual obligations, and its corporate purpose based on the purposes established in this document and in CINTEL’s Personal Data Processing Policy located on CINTEL’s website, which you accept to know in advance, explicitly, unequivocally, and informed manner by signing this document.

c) To offer products, services, benefits, offers, promotions, contests, events, seminars, workshops, training sessions, carry out loyalty activities, surveys, and in general, to establish more efficient communication channels aimed at promoting CINTEL’s products and services, which can be done through physical means or via emails and/or mobile terminals.

d) To take photographic and/or audiovisual records during all events, services, and activities of CINTEL, in order to publish it, generate and publish news in different media outlets, portals, and social networks of CINTEL. In any case, the responsible parties will respect the copyright and intellectual property rights of the pieces used in promotional or advertising materials, without implying any remuneration and/or economic compensation.

e) To send information to public authorities as required by legal or judicial requirements.

f) To register the personal data of sponsors, exhibitors, and other third parties linked to CINTEL’s events and activities in CINTEL’s databases, for the sending of contractual, commercial, and obligational information as required.

g) Regarding the collection and processing of data carried out through automated mechanisms for the purpose of generating activity records of visitors and audience records of CINTEL, it may use such information to prepare reports, statistics that meet the stated objectives, or conduct satisfaction surveys on the services provided.

h) To transfer, transmit, or share at the national and/or international level the processed data to the allies, third parties, and sponsors of CINTEL’s events, services, and activities

so that they promote their presence and follow up on it at the event and establish commercial relationships of different kinds with the holders of personal data.

i) For security purposes of people, property, and facilities of CINTEL and may be used as evidence in any type of process, regarding the data (i) collected directly at security points, (ii) taken from the documents provided by people to security personnel, and (iii) obtained from video recordings made inside or outside CINTEL’s facilities.

j) To provide relevant information about the products/services provided by CINTEL. These purposes may be carried out through physical, digital, electronic, or telephone means. You may consult the Personal Data Protection Policy at this link.

To resolve doubts and concerns related to data processing, submit your requests, and/or exercise your rights, you can write to the email [email protected], prior to complying with what is described in Article of Decree 1074 of 2015.

Likewise, we inform you that your rights as the owner of personal data are: a) Access, free of charge, to the processed data provided. b) Request the update and rectification of your information regarding partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractionated, misleading data, or those whose processing is prohibited or has not been authorized. c) Request proof of the granted authorization. d) File complaints with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) for violations of the provisions of current regulations. e) Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data, unless there is a legal or contractual duty that makes it imperative to retain the information. f) Refrain from answering questions about sensitive data or about data of girls, boys, and adolescents.

You may exercise these rights through the email [email protected], a channel provided by CINTEL for handling requests related to the processing of personal data and the exercise of the rights mentioned in this authorization, once CINTEL receives the request, it will process the requirement according to the law in accordance with its Policy.

Therefore, the undersigned has given his consent to CINTEL to process his personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy provided by CINTEL on its website, and the other purposes established in this document.